Break that silence

So, I know I’ve been silent again for a while, but it wasn’t for nothing. We have recently moved in to our new apartment and this has brought some new responsibilities. Besides the obvious rent and utility-bills also came the search for furnishings. In order to be prepared to host guests for the Panihati festival we bought an (extremely expensive) sofa-sleeper, and we haven’t had money since to pay for anything else (like a bed for ourselves) so that’s the reason we’ve been sleeping on the couch for the past two months. I know, some couples make each other sleep on the couch when they’re angry at each other (sometimes for ridiculous reasons and then the husband ends up making the couch his favorite bed because his whining wife won’t bother him at every turn) but we simply don’t have another choice then to sleep on the couch together. I guess that’s a good thing because so far we’ve been simply growing more and more in love with each other with every passing day. Every day he leaves the bed early in the morning, quietly and in the dark. We kiss each other goodbye and I fuss at him while he walks out the door for having not had breakfast yet again. I fuss about his eating habits, yet I count myself amongst those with terribly irregular diets. Then I find myself again being hooked on some book or series and waste my whole morning, then I shower, cook some lunch for him to have when he comes home and leave for work. Every hour I check my phone to see if my dear husband has sent word, most often he doesn’t but that doesn’t matter. Like a schoolgirl in love I still feel butterflies when he speaks lovingly.

Today, while I was cleaning the floor in the bathroom he ran over to me, bent down and kissed me, smiled and hopped back to his seat on the couch. It is after all his weekend so he deserved a little down-time and we’d had an extremely busy morning spent at Ikea and college. When we started off cooking he offered his services and helped me cut some vegetables. These small things continuously evidence me of his love. He doesn’t need to surprise me with diamonds or candle lights every night. A smile, a kiss and cuddles. He’s not only my lover anymore, he has become my best friend. The one I go to with my worries and wishes, my desires and doubts, my fears and fancies. And even from a best friend you don’t expect them to live only for you. You allow them their own time, their own thoughts and their own freedom. 


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