Bathroom Tales

Soooo, since it's been a while since I last posted, I wanted to talk about something that's been near and dear to my heart recently.

Since a few months (well really since growing up), I've been very interested in cutting down on my possessions and streamlining my surroundings a little. I like cleaning and I don't mind doing it, but when you start feeling that you're cleaning useless things, little trinkets and random stuff that you don't actually love or have no meaning to you emotionally, that's when the need to REALLY clean out comes into play. I've been taking it slow, tackling room, closet, bathroom and everything day by day. But I'd love to tell y'all a little bit about how I'm simplifying my cosmetics. Now bear in mind, this is something that works for me, I've never been attached to make up (mostly because I'm quite terrible at making decisions regarding the colors for my face, as many of my childhood friends can attest to), so having tons of make-up just makes me feel bad about myself. Therefore I decided, to hell with it all I'm not doing it anymore. We'll keep a mascara and some blush around for special occasions, but everything else needs to go! This means that on an average day, I go to my work, without anything on my face. Now maybe I look silly and maybe people have grown used to my "natural" look, and maybe they think I'm a hippie, but so far I've been doing great with customers and getting along well with my colleagues, so maybe it wasn't a necessity for me (or anyone else) anyways.
This is what I use every day, my beloved Braun electric toothbrush, tooth powder (activated bentonite clay and baking soda) a little spray bottle with half water and half almond oil for my face and body, and the smaller spray bottle with citronella essential oil and water as a perfume against mosquitoes. I also use the soap that I got in bulk at Whole Foods (no packaging) and of course my mostly bamboo hair brush, which is fantastic because you can take the whole bristle part out, and clean it thoroughly. 
One of the other benefits that this simple beauty routine has, is that my husband doesn't go crazy when my stuff clutters the bathroom because there is so little of it.

I've found that by not using any chemicals on my face, and perhaps also by cutting out milk products from my diet, that I'm not having any acne or pimples anymore. I honestly can't remember the last time I had one. Now, this obviously could also be due to the fact that I'm not 15 anymore, rather closer to 25, but as a possible added benefit of this beauty routine, I'm happy! 

Let me know what you think about this, how you've felt when just letting go, and if you would like to see more posts about recipes and methods of simplifying our lives.

Love, love, loverdielove, 



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