Nothing, nothing at all

How are you feeling today?
Well I'm allright, I'm feeling kind of dissappointed in the weather and the cold but in my mind it's always sunny. Like in philadelphia. Sometimes I feel people take things to hard. But at the same time I feel that I sometimes should care more about stuff that is worth caring for. But at the same time, what is worth breaking your mind for? But, at the same time, things that you think you know that they are worth breaking your head for today, might not be like that tomorrow. This is a difficult situation. Personally I have only 1 category of stuff that is worth being completely absorbed in.
Stuff that I see being essential in the development of achieving personal happiness.
Little things.
Some people have the nature to break their head of little things, like the way their hair looks. (But from reliable resources I have found that for these persons the colour of their nails doesn't really matter, suck it, maybelline and all other nailpolishproducers!) These people are in my opinion crazy, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR HAIR. As long as it is not dead, you're all good. If you do your hair special everyday, then for special events there's nothing new. If you look like a bum normally, and then dress up for a fancy occasion, then this stands out way more then in the first case. And don't we all want to stand out? So why not take that extra 40 minutes of sleep, lose those wrinkles on our forehead of thinking about what to wear and just go with the flow.
Why do people keep doing this?
Because they aren't sure of their personality, body, health, appearance or anything else that has to do with dealing with others. They think that their personality is not gonna cut it if they look shitty. BUT, here comes the cracker, IT DOES! And your personality even gets a boost when you don't have to be different, look different than the way you naturally come across.
Others have the tendency to break their head over love, but why would we break our head over love if we could be perfectly fine without that 'one special person' that makes our life way more complicated? Why do people take the effort of first of all getting someones attention, then try and make his/her life better by giving him/her loads of love and affection, and often this doesn't even last for long, people break up, dump eachother by a textmessage and whoppa, the cycle starts again. Like addicts, people often say they're never going to get in a relationship again, but like addicts, they fall for the same pick-up lines and try their best again to make their life a living hell because we keep being afraid of losing that person. It often happens that these persons relate every single thing that comes up with their love for that one person.
Why do we keep doing it?
Simple, because it's worth it.
Oh and for anyone who wants to read some quotes from the following famous people. (That were accidentally in this room)
'This is why tattoopeople have a job, so that other people don't have to worry about getting it straight.' -Nandini

'One has to see happiness in everything, that way one will eventually become happy himself.' - Draupadi

'All the above.' - Rangadevi

So I hope ya'll learnt something from this, stop caring about your nails, in order to care more about what really matters. Small things don't really get noticed by the most people, so keep your focus on the big picture. Wauw, that is actually a good analogy. In a picture, everybody first looks at the smile(s) of the people in the picture, not at their nails.



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