God is funny

Today I learned a very important lesson. One that my husband already learned long ago, and one that used to be a characteristic I wasn't so incredibly fond of. "The ability to go through life without planning every single aspect of it". For those who know me a little know that I'm not that much of a compulsive planner, but I like to plan my summer at least around January. So this is what I did. Just imagine having your life like this: your husband and best friend share the same birthday. Last year you spent the first of August with your husband and his family. This year you spend almost the whole year stuck 9000 miles away from your best friend. After many hours of deliberating, worrying, tears and headaches, I chose to spend this specific day with my best friend in my home country. My husband made plans to spend his birthday with his friends and take a little trip. So everyone is okay with everything. It hurts but we're good. We were done talking about it. The arguments and difficulties were over.
Until today. On my way to the gym I check the mailbox. Behind some regular letters from random insurance companies I found the funniest joke of this year. My greencard interview is scheduled the 31st of July. Thus I'm not going to get to choose after all! I can't go to Solar, and because of the nature of the interview, my husband is gonna have to cancel his plan too. It's like the friggin universe wants us to be together on that specific day.
Pretty funny. Let's see what will happen next.



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