happy birthday

Today has been purna's birthday and as usual I'm poor as a beggar and devoid of any great idea to surprise him with. Therefore I decided to just be extremely kind and sweet to him all day long, make him a cake, and at night we would go out to the movies. I feel kinda bad that this is the second year only and already I'm worse at thinking of exciting birthday surprises.. Last night when he came home from work I had fallen asleep on the couch, being sleepy from reading and watching tv for too long. While I was serving them dinner, his dad suddenly bursts out in singing ‘Happy birthday to you!’. He was right, it had been past 00:00. So we all congratulated him and I would give him some small birthday presents already that night. (king tut socks :)) After we woke up I put a little crown on his head and he’d be the birthday king for the rest of the day. It seems like I can’t really let traditions go. I gave him some leftover pizza for breakfast, and promised I’d make something really nice for lunch. That would be noodles with tofu and corn, it all turned out pretty tasty. He played NBA with Dharpa until he left for work. After all that, when his mom came home we ate together, my cake was finished in the meantime and ready to be served. No one would be home tonight for dinner though so we’d keep the cake cutting ceremony until tomorrow morning. I thought that it looked really beautiful.

It was my first time working with fondant, and honestly I was quite nervous when the first few tryouts didn’t work out so well. The designs became too sticky and really hard to knead. All day I’ve been thinking about how I’ll be boarding the airplane tomorrow. And obviously (the housewife within me) all the things that need to be done before I leave. I’m just imagining my parents, my sister and all my friends. How they’ll have changed or stayed the same. How they’ve experienced yet another year of studies and all the new friends they’ve made. Honestly I’m a little jealous of some of them. Experiencing all the college-y things, the ones I’ll never get to do. But I’m happy and grounded. It’s funny how thinking back, already as a young girl I’d say that I’d want to be married before turning 22. Sometime the navigators of life try to send you along an unexpected turn, and taking that opportunity enriched me so much. Today again, I saw the light in my husbands eyes. Those sweet, deep brown eyes that tell me he’ll love me unconditionally. His eyes could write volumes about his layers and layers of character.I feel so lucky to  have such an amazing husband,



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