I spy with my little eye... something 'white'!

So today it snowed in Atlanta. And against all my sarcastic expectations of sad lonely snowflakes twirling through the air, melting as soon as they'd hit the ground, today I found myself in a snowstormy world, with an actual winter wonderland right outside the doorstep! As a born Dutch girl I couldn't let this one chance on eternal neighborhood fame slip away and created my own snowboard, and ramp. Otherwise known as Pringles box and driveway. After some time trying out the best techniques on how to maneuver the box while having untied laces, I finally got it. The guy who lives opposite of us even rolled down his window and instigated my desire to compete in the winter Olympics. I told him I'd need to eat more Pringles. When my beloved and bro came home, chilled, ate, played their game and helped their mom with the finances, it was finally time for the big match between boo and me. Naturally he didn't want to compete on my small ramp and instead searched for a bigger and steeper one. Sadly that one wasn't compatible with our cardboard, due to heavy cars going up and down the hill. It all ended in a midnight snowfight. With of course, delicious hot choc with marshmellows later on.

"about to play some more"

Catch y'all later!


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