Hari-Haribol, Hari-haribol, hari-haribohohol hari-haribol.

If you sing this in a nice tune, it will be sooooo addictive. Omygod. Have been singing it for like 3 days now.
Really something you should try, even if it's just for one time. Well, what is going on at the moment?
Well, I am writing this blog, that's for sure. Or am I? What can we know for sure? Is it possible that I am not writing, and that you will never really read this? That is taking it to the ridiculous but it just might be true. Have you ever had the experience of thinking that something is true and then after 10 seconds you found out it were just your senses fooling your mind and intelligence? Let's take the following example, my teacher in high school used it and I'm still thinking about it every time it actually happens. 
You're driving at night on an almost empty road, you have a good time and the Beatles are filling the car with their songs, and suddenly you see a car approaching. Or more specifically, you see two headlights, so you just assume it's a car, but it's not. The reality is actually two motorcyclists driving next to each other, but in the dark you just assumed it was a car. Or imagine that you dream that you're waking up, take a shower, brush your teeth and take some breakfast and after this whole dream you just wake up and find that still everything needs to be done. That's such a shame.. So not everything you think is true, is actually true. But in what sense can we trust our senses? Up to where can they fool us? But, if they can fool us, and we recognize our mind to be fooled, than there must be two substances; a gross body and a subtle mind. Some people don't acknowledge this fact, in fact they believe that everything in our "self" is material and can be understood in a mechanistic way. This called the mechanistic or materialistic view..
or not?
Who cares. I'm trying to study-ish.. I was trying to study something, like structuralism, functionalism, psycho-analysis and behaviorism. So boring. Luckily some of my students are here, and they are kind of funny. Actually they are really very funny. Sibu is going crazy, I truly think he needs more sleep. All ETR students probably have this problem because they will have an exam in 5 days. And at the same time they need to finish their portfolio and stuff like that. Somehow I don't feel that stressed out like them, maybe it's also because we don't really have to do anything, the only thing we have to do is write an essay, prepare for the debate, write another essay and have some time for the sadhana and leisure too. Is fun, and doable, I guess. Anyhow let's talk about something more funny/happy/getting you and me in a better mood, all this about school just puts me down. Well, since it's almost six o'clock there will be Mahaprasadam ("great"food, that has been accepted by Krsna). Ah, totally forgot, there is a Sanga at Mahalaksmi's. I should better run to make it on time. Don't want to miss that!

See you soon,

talk to you even sooner. 
Hare Krishna.


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