It's just such a wonderful day hurray hurray

Haribol my dear people who take the time to read this blog, I know you have probably something less time-consuming to do and that is the reason I am really appreciating the amount of views I see when I open my account on blogspot. So, in advance, and on behalf of every single key I'll tap writing this blog, I thank you for reading this little story about my daily life in Radhadesh.

Starting now, I'll be writing in English, mainly due to my lacking abilities to explain myself properly in this "Beautiful Language" that patient people have been trying to teach me since, what would it be.. like since kindergarten. So, if you find some flaws in the grammar or in the order of the words, or a misused word in a particular sentence, I'm always open for discussion ;-).

Okay, now that's said, who wants to know more about my wonderful day so far?

No one at all?
Well then, no problem just close this stupid window and I'll consider this blog as my diary or something like that.
6:00 AM RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRINGG Meh, go away stupid alarm sound. I'll just sleep for one more hour, no yoga for me today.
7:00 AM RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRINGG Okay, now it is time to get up actually, but I don't want to.. already then, 10 more minutes, but no more, I want to go to class. And I need to because Yadunandana Maharaj wasn't really happy to see that there were only so few students coming to class yesterday.
7:36 AM Oh Krishna! I really need to get up right now, stupid mind, you fooled me again. I do not need this big amount of sleep. Well then I finally got to class, only 3 minutes late and the first few minutes I had no idea where Maharaj was talking about, but then I realized he was talking about a couple definitions of God. Among them were: The knower of everything, the origin of everything, independent as in, he can do whatever he likes, whenever he likes. Even when he was only an embryo he was God, he is God in every circumstance and thus independent. And that was one thing I understood very quickly, we are not God and thus not independent, never ever ever ever ever. We will always be depending on external or internal factors such as the weather, our guru's/bosses/parents/friends/or whatever, our physical health, our mental health, our bank accounts. In some cases one can think he might be independent up to some level, but he will never control all the factors that have influence on him/mankind/the world.
Okay, lunch now, I'm curious what we'll have. This breakfast was a feast on itself. With brownies. Just don't tell anything to that stupid little white paper that has been laying on my desk for the past few days. (According to which I am not allowed to eat soft, sweet, sugary stuff.)
Okay that's enough, I started my essay today, and now I'm already on 700 words.. most of 'm are rubbish but well, we can't do anything more than we already do. :) The result is up to Krshna, as soon as one realizes that and keeps that in mind than one will be relaxed forever. Hurray! It's raining again, what to do about it. That's also Krsna's will. For anybody who wants to complain about it, shut up and be devoted to Krsna, as he is the controller of the universe and we aren't even the controller of our own bodies.
Now that's said I'll be working some more on my essay.. even though I know it's gonna be a pain and I am not in charge of the result.

Haribol my dear friends,
I love you all so much


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